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Sewa Babyzen Yoyo+ Bag – Peppermint


Harga Sewa:
Rp 108.000/ 1 Minggu
Rp 148.900/ 2 Minggu
Rp 168.900/ 3 Minggu
Rp 188.900/ 1 Bulan

NB : Harap Tanyakan Stock Terlebih Dahulu

BABYZEN lightens your daily life with your YOYO bag.
YOYO bag hooks onto the YOYO stroller in seconds and, thanks to its wheel, supports an additional 10 kg (22 lbs) without extra efforts.
Loaded with groceries or your gear, your YOYO remains manoeuvrable, light, completely stable and always navigable with one hand.
An end to those strollers that tip over under the weight of bags hanging from the handlebars!

80.000 ( JAKARTA )
100.000 ( TANGERANG 1 )
125.000 ( TANGERANG 2 )
150.000 ( TANGERANG 3 )
120.000 ( DEPOK – BEKASI )
300.000 ( BOGOR )
80.000 ( SURABAYA )

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