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Sewa Bugaboo Bee 6 Black Frame – Red


Harga Sewa:
Rp 668.000/ 1 Minggu
Rp 846.000/ 2 Minggu
Rp 1.058.000/ 3 Minggu
Rp 1.218.000/ 1 Bulan

NB : Harap Tanyakan Stock Terlebih Dahulu Sebelum Order

max 22kg

Bigger than average, puncture-proof wheels make it easy to push and handle on city streets.
Advanced suspension gives a smooth ride so your child can nap without being disturbed.
Compact design allows you to easily navigate busy sidewalks and get into public transport without needing to fold it.
The ergonomic seat with extra ventilation helps regulate your child’s body temperature
Compact fold and integrated self-stand makes it easy to store – out of the way but never out of reach.

80.000 ( JAKARTA )
100.000 ( TANGERANG 1 )
125.000 ( TANGERANG 2 )
150.000 ( TANGERANG 3 )
120.000 ( DEPOK – BEKASI )
300.000 ( BOGOR )
80.000 ( SURABAYA )

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