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Sewa Joie Meet Aire Twin – Rosy & Sea


Harga Sewa:
Rp 148.000/ 1 Minggu
Rp 198.000/ 2 Minggu
Rp 248.000/ 3 Minggu
Rp 298.000/ 1 Bulan

NB : Harap Tanyakan Stock Item Sebelum Order

Joie Aire Twin merupakan stroller twin double yang dapat digunakan untuk 2 anak sekaligus. Memiliki desain dan warna yang menarik. Dan juga berat stroller yang cukup ringan dibanding merek lain membuat stroller Joie Aire Twin sangat cocok digunakan saat anda pergi liburan bersama 2 anak anda.

Detail Produk :

Lightweight aluminium chassis (berat stroller: 11,8 kg)
One hand fold with automatic fold lock
Free standing when folded and fits in a boot
Reversible, double seat liner features two stylish options
Both seats are individually adjustable for a customised ride for each child
Multi-position, flat reclining seat provides backrest recline options for either child
Multi-position calf support gives two comfy options
Adjustable hood features a sun visor and peekaboo window
Shopping basket is deep to hold and secure personal items
All wheel suspension for a smoother ride on rough surfaces
Front swivel wheels lock in place as needed
Removable and pivoting armbar gives added security and allows for children’s safe entry or exit
Single step, ShoeSaver brake keeps shoes scuff free
SoftTouch, 5-point harness system adjusts to 3 heights to keep children extra secure
Folded Size: l 78cm x w 30.5cm x h 98.5cm
Senderan kursi dapat direbahkan menjadi flat reclining seat
Untuk usia mulai dari 0 bulan sampai dengan berat anak 15 kg

80.000 ( JAKARTA )
100.000 ( TANGERANG 1 )
125.000 ( TANGERANG 2 )
150.000 ( TANGERANG 3 )
120.000 ( DEPOK – BEKASI )
300.000 ( BOGOR )
80.000 ( SURABAYA )

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