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Sewa Peg-Perego Pliko Mini Dino Pop Stroller


Harga Sewa:
Rp 268.000/ 1 Minggu
Rp 298.000/ 2 Minggu
Rp 328.000/ 3 Minggu
Rp 358.000/ 1 Bulan

NB : Harap Tanyakan Stock Terlebih Dahulu

Maximum weight capacity of 22kg
Large seating and lying area
Buggy can be folded with just one hand, free standing unit
Height adjustable push bar
Backrest can be adjusted smoothly into recline position, footrest can be adjusted in two different levels
Removable canopy and viewing panel
5-point safety harness
Lockable swivel front wheels, double rear wheels with brake on both sides
Including storage basket
Cover can be removed and washed by hand at 30°C

80.000 ( JAKARTA )
100.000 ( TANGERANG 1 )
125.000 ( TANGERANG 2 )
150.000 ( TANGERANG 3 )
120.000 ( DEPOK – BEKASI )
300.000 ( BOGOR )
80.000 ( SURABAYA )

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