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Sewa Rain Cover Bugaboo Bee 6


Harga Sewa:
Rp 85.000/ 1 Minggu
Rp 125.000/ 2 Minggu
Rp 165.000/ 3 Minggu
Rp 205.000/ 1 Bulan

NB : Harap Tanyakan Stock Terlebih Dahulu Sebelum Order

Large transparent surface

Allows you to keep an eye on your child while they keep discovering

Easy to attach to the stroller frame and seat allowing air to flow

Compact fold for easy transport and storage

80.000 ( JAKARTA )
100.000 ( TANGERANG 1 )
125.000 ( TANGERANG 2 )
150.000 ( TANGERANG 3 )
120.000 ( DEPOK – BEKASI )
300.000 ( BOGOR )
80.000 ( SURABAYA )

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